Key stage 5
One to one personal guidance interviews and/or small group discussions for sixth form students students:
- Providing focus and clarity to any contemplating their current programme/considering leaving 6th form
- Supporting students with generating initial ideas around their next steps, plan of action regarding university and/or work in light of long term career goals
- Dilemmas regarding university courses and subjects, university or work, long term career planning
- Support for those considering work or higher/degree apprenticeship schemes, CV preparation, job/ opportunity searching, interview and assessment centre day technique
- Any last minute concerns, change of plan
- August Exam Results Period – Triage/emergency one to one support
- Career Lessons/ Sessions as part of a Careers Programme:
- Employability Skills – the content of winning CVs, application forms and personal statements
- Interview & Assessment Centre Preparation – details and mock activities to provide insight and readiness
- Introduction to UCAS/Personal Statement workshops/ UCAS application clinics
- Higher & Degree Apprenticeships – details regarding schemes, application process and deadlines, things to consider
- Attendance at Year 12 & 13 Parents Evenings and Parent Information Events – providing presentations on Higher Apprenticeships, UCAS and the Importance of Work Experience
- Labour Market Information and Career Pathways lessons and activities