What we do
We are an independent career services company providing careers and personal guidance services for schools.
Initially offering services in Surrey, our reputation for high quality guidance, career education and strategic support has meant rapid expansion. We have grown and developed our career and personal guidance services alongside school’s requirements and needs, as well as the statutory duties for Careers and the Gatsby Benchmarks.
We have developed a thorough all-encompassing programme of careers and personal guidance delivery that supports schools in all areas of the Gatsby benchmarks. Read more about meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks…
As well as supporting mainstream schools, we work closely with sixth forms and colleges and we ensure our services are tailored to fit the needs of the education establishment. We welcome opportunities to work with independent establishments, MATs and individual clients.
Our Service Aims
- To inspire young people about careers, the world of work and education and training opportunities
- To connect high quality careers education and personal guidance with raising aspirations and achievement
- To increase participation in education, employment or training and reduce exclusions
- To prepare young people for adulthood employment, and career and economic well-being
- To bridge the gap between school’s statutory responsibilities, their pupil cohort’s specific needs, and their resources
How we do it:
- One to one Career Guidance Interviews
- Group Career Guidance Sessions
- Guidance services at parents evenings, options evenings, career events
- CEIAG activities including group work, assemblies, collapsed career days
- Prioritisation of specific pupil cohorts
- Strategic processes for potential NEET pupil reduction
>>>Read more about our approach and the impact our service has
>>>Read more about how we support schools in fulfilling their statutory responsibilities